I’ve taken lessons from several different instructors and Josh is by far the best. He helped me get up on foil on my first lesson with him- something I hadn’t been able to do in all my previous lessons. He was just a 15 min drive from my apartment in S.F. and located at a picturesque marina in Tiburon.

He brings you out to The Bay on his boat (and picks you back up when you get too far down wind, which in my case is a few times per lesson so it’s nice avoiding the “walk of shame” up the beach with my gear, which is typical for me in all the land-taught lessons I’ve had!) Amazingly the wind was good just 5 minutes from the school so we wasted no time running to a flat water spot w nice consistent wind. Another huge benefit is that he coaches you through 2-way radio helmets as soon as you get in the water and throughout the experience.

If you wanna learn to wing, and you want to progress quickly, Josh is your guy!